The Singapore Family Physician

Back to issue Vol 43 No. 3 - Managing Complex Patients in Family Medicine Settings

Using the SBAR4 model for Management of a Patient with Complex Comorbidities in the Primary Care setting – A Case Study

Agnes Koong
The Singapore Family Physician Vol 43 No 3 - Managing Complex Patients in Family Medicine Settings
21 - 25
1 July 2017
It is a challenge managing complex patients in primary care. Complexity goes beyond the concept of multiple medical co-morbidities to include multi-dimensional mental, social, and behavioral person-centric factors that interfere with routine care delivery. It is important for primary care to identify these patients and adopt a problem based, goal orientated, person-centric approach to improve the overall outcome and care experience for these patients. This unit illustrates the use of the SBAR4 framework to approach a complex case.